Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's updog?

Not much, what' sup with you!?
2009 - The year of the updog!

Crack one open, sit back, and enjoy the new year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Giving credit where credit's due...

Recently two members of our club have graduated to a new membership status.

On Tuesday, December 23rd, Devin Watson completed his membership card. Devin chose #48 Young's Double Chocolate Stout as his final brew. Ironically, a new shipment of steins arrived at Geisen Haus the same day. Devin enjoyed his last beer from, what is now, his most prized possession...his very own stein.

Following Devin's lead on Friday, December 26th, Aaron Jones finished 52 as well. Similar to Devin, AJ decided on Young's Double Chocolate Stout to finish his card. Scott and Mary Ann Bosworth attended this meeting as a guest speakers, and Mr. Bosworth generously provided AJ with his final beer. AJ was awarded with his stein and has joined Devin as a stein holder.

These two members have put in impressive amounts of work in order to achieve this distinguished honor.

Devin and Aaron plan to ring in the new year, each with his stein in hand.

Erin Thompson is following close behind Devin and Aaron and is expected to become the next member to finish.

"Always a good time."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Beer Bong

Due to the discussion at our prior meeting...I've looked in to making a beer bong.

Please reference the following videos in order to create a beer bong of your own.

Expect that "bonging" will come into play at a future beer club meeting.

Select the tubing with the largest diameter that will fit into your mouth (that's what she said).

Slipping it in there, twisting it around, and making sure it's nice and snug (that's what she said).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday AJ!

6:30 pm meeting tonight to celebrate.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

* Bier Club Birthday Extravaganza *

Happy 25th Beth!

The Constitution.

I. Bier Club members can only be added by a 2/3 vote.
II. Bier Club members, if sober, are obligated to give rides to fellow members(work/illness/family obligations pending.
III.  If you pull the family card 3 times...DAS BOOT!
IV.  DUI driving home from Bier Club=buy the next round.
V.  If you choose a bier, you may allow up to two members to sample.  That beer must be finished by said member.
VI.  Physical Violence=expulsion.
VII.  Initiating rival bier clubs=expulsion.
VIII.  Three biers or no biers-unless DD.
IX.  All decisions must be concluded after one bier night.
X.  When a person joins the Bier Club, then quits the same night, that member is hereby removed from membership permanently!
XI.  If you join Bier Club and start a card, then quit, pending pregnancy and certain other circumstances, you are hereby cut off from all existence until the card is finished.
XII.  No Bier Club member is allowed to finish without another person present, to accentuate the celebration.  
XIII.  No Coloring!
XIV.  Steiner brothers must get shirts!  Scott George is Scott Steiner.
XV.  Must be one "That's what she said," per meeting.